Thursday, May 21, 2015

Writing Samples- Kedoshim

What you are about to read are little glimpses into a series I have been working on for quite some time. The only ‘glimpse’ that has been edited is the first one.  This series is titled Kedoshim: The Untold Journey. It is a four part biblical historical fiction series that will follow the story of the book of Acts. This series was put on hold when I began to write another book. Ahavah Writings for the Journey is a devotional content book. I have also attached samples of is as well and it will be publicly released on May 25th, 2015.

Glimpse 1- June 2014
Nathaniel sat in front of a solitary window, his mind a swirling mixture of uncertainty and doubt. He held his staff in one hand and a quill in the other. As he searched the depths of his soul for a purpose in writing his memoirs, fresh rain began to fall outside the window.  This sound was a comfort to his troubled mind as he paused to watch it. It almost seemed as though this rain, like many before it, fell from the very heavens. If only this rain could flood his weary heart and clear his unsettled thoughts.  As he listened to the beat of each drop hit along the path he had traveled so often before, he could smell the indescribable beauty of the moment before him.  A moment that would remind him of days past, these were the days he often thought upon, the days his heart truly longed for..

Glimpse 2- December 2014
Nathaniel began to weep in the midst of his whirling thoughts and thanked his brother for his uplifting words saying “I know your right brother and I am sorry, am just ready for something new and my mind is playing tricks on me. I hear what is going on outside this window, and it is as though the wind and the rain are mocking me but my heart knows best. God’s timing is always perfect, I forget that sometimes.” Seeing that Nathaniel was beginning to calm down Zadok took a moment to console his beloved brother.

Glimpse 3- March 2015
Jabin their former master had sold their father to the highest bidder and forcefully taken their mother for his own selfish desires when they were all younger. She was a beautiful creation, radiant and full of life, with hair that simply fell perfectly upon her shoulders; she had eyes that seemed to glow and a figure that any man would envy. Elena didn't see it but Nathaniel and Zadok feared for their sister because she was the splitting image her mother and in many ways could be even more beautiful if she wanted to be. Some would have said the hooded cloak was Elena’s way of following her brother’s wishes and the only reason why Jabin didn't take her as well.

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