Thursday, May 21, 2015

Writing Samples- Ahavah Writings

What you are about to read are sample from a book that will be publicly released on May 25th, 2015. This book is titled Ahavah Writings for the Journey. This book is based off of my devotional blog and was written as a devotional/inspirational book and a ministry tool. I have given you little ‘glimpses’ of each of the sections of this book for your convenience are review.

Glimpse 1- The Letters
Through the years, as I have kept in touch with you, I have seen your once beautiful light fade. I long to see that light shine brightly again.  It was such a beautiful light and I know that life has not given you the best of circumstances. But life isn't about reacting to those circumstances; it’s about giving God the glory and letting your light shine in the darkest of places.  I encourage you to seek God and strive to experience His presence with all that you are. Humanity can do some pretty terrible things, but God can take those things and turn them into so much more. He wants to take those horrible experiences you've endured and make them beautiful. I know it’s hard to let go, but once you do, you will never regret it.

Glimpse 2- The Devotionals
My mother once told me that, “Without hope there is no faith and without faith it is impossible to love.” I never really understood what she meant, but in recent years I have been learning the meaning of her message. I believe she was saying that the three form a continuous circle in our lives. It starts with a slight nudge of the heart that tells us, “There’s something more out there.” Then, that nudge begins to grow and we begin to believe that there is something more. After that, the nudge is so big that we cannot help but form an attachment to God, a belief in Him.  This is where we begin to love. Finally, because of that love, we find ourselves hoping for more. This leads to a belief that we can become a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Glimpse 3- The Reflections
Our great God is more than able to do amazing things; believe that He is guiding your path. In the end, if you trust in Him completely, He will purify your heart. Open your eyes to the wonderful plans He has envisioned for you. Only then can His divine will begin to mold you into what you have been created for. Be aware that others will try to drive you away from Him. Don’t let them, or even yourself, take the best pieces of your heart. Remember to glorify His name in every way.

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