Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Writing Samples- Devotional Thoughts

The Seen and Unseen...

I was reading a Scripture the other day that I cannot get out of my mind. Sometimes, I wonder why these scriptures come to mind. There is always a reason but I haven't completely figured this one out just yet...

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (47.4.16-18 NIV)

As I think about this passage my thoughts are focused on the last few words, "what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal". Interesting few words to think about aren't they? Tonight my wife and I attended our second prayer meeting at our new church and I was reminded of this passage yet again (hence why I'm posting about it). As I said, I am still connecting the dots but I thought I'd share a what I have so far...

Life can take many things from us and when they are gone, we tend to focus on why they were taken in the first place. When we do this we lose sight of what really matters, believing in what God may have for us. We lose heart and if we are not careful we can create an emptiness inside that will eat away at our very soul. What is in front of us matters so much we let the eternal promises Gods has given us fade way into the darkest parts of our heart.

Our momentary troubles don't have to define who we are. The reality is, they don't really matter in the long run do they?  If we focus more on the eternal and on our relationship with the Father (the unseen), these momentary troubles (the seen) truly are only temporary. We can begin to open our eyes and gaze upon the big picture that God is painting all around us and can be encouraged, knowing that even though we may not see what He is doing, that he is doing something.

I have more to work though on this passage but for now I will leave you with this challenge...

Fix your eyes not on what is seen (temporary things), but on what is unseen (your faith journey).

Simplistic Faith...

There is  a story in the 5th chapter of Mark that I really think can help us understand this concept of Simplistic Faith. I don't typically write about stories like this but it came to mind when I was asking myself what tonight's post should be about. When we first come upon this story in scripture it is right after Jesus calms a storm and crosses the Sea of Galilee, a few times. It is also just after Jesus cast the demon out of the farmer and into the pigs that ran of the side of the mountain. As you can see, Jesus has been ministering in many miraculous ways leading up to this time in "His Story."

This story actually shares with us two miracles and both apply to "Simplistic Faith".  The First part of this story involves a man names Jairus and his daughter. The second part is about a woman who has had a severe bleeding issue for 12 years, many would call this a hemorrhage today. Both of these stories teach us just how much "Simplistic Faith" can effect our circumstances. On the one hand with Jairus, we have his daughter on her death bed and on the other we have this woman who's been in severe pain for most of her adult life. Here is what these two have to say about faith...

Jairus' Story
...“My little daughter is dying,”...“Please come and lay your hands on her; heal her so she can live.” Mk. 5:23 NLT

Woman's Story
...“If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Mk. 5:28 NLT
The result...

Woman's Story
 "Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition." Mk. 5:29 NLT

"And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” Mk. 5:34 NLT

Jairus' Story
"Holding her hand, he said to her, “Talitha koum,” which means “Little girl, get up!” And the girl, who was twelve years old, immediately stood up and walked around!..." Mk. 5:41-42 NLT
The reality of these two stories in scripture is that these two characters showed a huge amount of faith. They believed 'wholeheartedly' that by simply touching Jesus' hand or robe that their circumstances could change and the result of this faith truly did change the circumstances each character was facing. I know that in the world today we can't actually touch Jesus' hands or his robe but I believe we can have faith like this today.

It's hard sometimes to have this faith in something as simple as a touch, but the end result can be the same for us as it was for the two people I have shared about today.  We can change our circumstances in life if we place our hope in the right place. God has so much in store for each of us. All he asks in return is that we love Him and believe in His unending power.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Writing Samples- Ahavah Writings

What you are about to read are sample from a book that will be publicly released on May 25th, 2015. This book is titled Ahavah Writings for the Journey. This book is based off of my devotional blog and was written as a devotional/inspirational book and a ministry tool. I have given you little ‘glimpses’ of each of the sections of this book for your convenience are review.

Glimpse 1- The Letters
Through the years, as I have kept in touch with you, I have seen your once beautiful light fade. I long to see that light shine brightly again.  It was such a beautiful light and I know that life has not given you the best of circumstances. But life isn't about reacting to those circumstances; it’s about giving God the glory and letting your light shine in the darkest of places.  I encourage you to seek God and strive to experience His presence with all that you are. Humanity can do some pretty terrible things, but God can take those things and turn them into so much more. He wants to take those horrible experiences you've endured and make them beautiful. I know it’s hard to let go, but once you do, you will never regret it.

Glimpse 2- The Devotionals
My mother once told me that, “Without hope there is no faith and without faith it is impossible to love.” I never really understood what she meant, but in recent years I have been learning the meaning of her message. I believe she was saying that the three form a continuous circle in our lives. It starts with a slight nudge of the heart that tells us, “There’s something more out there.” Then, that nudge begins to grow and we begin to believe that there is something more. After that, the nudge is so big that we cannot help but form an attachment to God, a belief in Him.  This is where we begin to love. Finally, because of that love, we find ourselves hoping for more. This leads to a belief that we can become a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Glimpse 3- The Reflections
Our great God is more than able to do amazing things; believe that He is guiding your path. In the end, if you trust in Him completely, He will purify your heart. Open your eyes to the wonderful plans He has envisioned for you. Only then can His divine will begin to mold you into what you have been created for. Be aware that others will try to drive you away from Him. Don’t let them, or even yourself, take the best pieces of your heart. Remember to glorify His name in every way.

Writing Samples- Kedoshim

What you are about to read are little glimpses into a series I have been working on for quite some time. The only ‘glimpse’ that has been edited is the first one.  This series is titled Kedoshim: The Untold Journey. It is a four part biblical historical fiction series that will follow the story of the book of Acts. This series was put on hold when I began to write another book. Ahavah Writings for the Journey is a devotional content book. I have also attached samples of is as well and it will be publicly released on May 25th, 2015.

Glimpse 1- June 2014
Nathaniel sat in front of a solitary window, his mind a swirling mixture of uncertainty and doubt. He held his staff in one hand and a quill in the other. As he searched the depths of his soul for a purpose in writing his memoirs, fresh rain began to fall outside the window.  This sound was a comfort to his troubled mind as he paused to watch it. It almost seemed as though this rain, like many before it, fell from the very heavens. If only this rain could flood his weary heart and clear his unsettled thoughts.  As he listened to the beat of each drop hit along the path he had traveled so often before, he could smell the indescribable beauty of the moment before him.  A moment that would remind him of days past, these were the days he often thought upon, the days his heart truly longed for..

Glimpse 2- December 2014
Nathaniel began to weep in the midst of his whirling thoughts and thanked his brother for his uplifting words saying “I know your right brother and I am sorry, am just ready for something new and my mind is playing tricks on me. I hear what is going on outside this window, and it is as though the wind and the rain are mocking me but my heart knows best. God’s timing is always perfect, I forget that sometimes.” Seeing that Nathaniel was beginning to calm down Zadok took a moment to console his beloved brother.

Glimpse 3- March 2015
Jabin their former master had sold their father to the highest bidder and forcefully taken their mother for his own selfish desires when they were all younger. She was a beautiful creation, radiant and full of life, with hair that simply fell perfectly upon her shoulders; she had eyes that seemed to glow and a figure that any man would envy. Elena didn't see it but Nathaniel and Zadok feared for their sister because she was the splitting image her mother and in many ways could be even more beautiful if she wanted to be. Some would have said the hooded cloak was Elena’s way of following her brother’s wishes and the only reason why Jabin didn't take her as well.